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MEOW! El Jefe Cat Lounge in Tucson

ABOUT Open the door of El Jefe Cat Lounge, and twenty-five cutie pies will greet you with nuzzles. Each personality ready to find their “FUR-ever” home. One more reason to fall in love with this local Tucson business: their partnership with Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter and Sanctuary. The transition to El Jefe’s sparkling-clean, three-level castle, truly allows each cat to settle in and show off their sweeter side. Making adoption much easier. Most furry guests are adopted within weeks!

WHO IS THIS FOR? Anyone NOT allergic to cats.

The décor is surprisingly glamorous! Velvet settees and colorful lights set a playful stage for a grownup gal-pal date. Or a memorable first-date for singles. Quirky tiled-stairs lead visitors up to a play level, and then finally a zen space on the third floor. It was quite peaceful for both humans and felines to overlook the Tucson mountains.

Since the owners also welcome children, my mini was in tow. (The owners didn’t grimace as we entered, they GENUINELY welcome kids.) Though my son is shy, a sweet male cat named “Klaus” interacted with him and the provided squeaker toys. Kids may need a little guidance to be gentle and use “walking feet”, but we both had a wonderful time bonding with the kitties.

Entering at open (11 o’clock), we avoided any crowds and were loved up by all twenty-five felines. You could almost feel yourself relax by the end of the visit. Which science backs up with studies proving blood pressure is lowered after petting cats. El Jefe Cat Lounge might be a great addition to your self-care routines. A glass of wine on Wednesdays, then Cat-Yoga or Meditation Thursdays and or Saturdays. For the cat enthusiast: book a cat-whisperer session. Want to read your cat’s mind? The “Cat Behavioral Consultation” is 20 minutes and only $25.


  • Sign up for their email list before you go, and save 20% on the first visit.

  • Make this a lovely gift for a lonely snowbird in Tucson. Better yet for a single boss-babe who intimidates men but NOT cats! Hah.

  • When your kiddos join in, put the Iphone down and play or sit alongside them. Everyone has more fun that way.

  • Post a photo with your “PURR-fect” date. A friend or family member might fall in love too and open their home to him or her.

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