My North Carolina BUCKET LIST: Part V
Mother's Day is coming! Be a HERO this year with a Zero-Prep Plan this year at Millstone Orchards. Number 5 on my NC Bucket List and a must for the upcoming holiday. What's more idyllic than orchards and an Apple Barn?! North Carolina is host to a ton of fabulous orchards. Millstone is a step-above with their u-pick fruits and ready-made baked apple treats for purchase. The tire swings and instrument garden calls out to kids of all ages.
Three words: Apple. Cider. Slushies. One part apple juice- pressed raw from a special mix of apples from the orchard. One part icy-guzzling goodness! Get it or regret it. Inside the Apple Barn, "Granny's Apple Cake" called to me! Re-creating it was at the top of my to-do-list because... priorities. (Still working on this.) Fruity cakes, pies, turnovers, and mustards all wait their turn to be picked, on the shelves of this sweet little food outpost.
Seriously ZERO-PREP, just gas up the car. Pick from 3 time slots on May 12 & 13 when purchasing a ticket on their website (below.) Mom will love the sweet memories made during an Orchard Hayride, planting flowers alongside her kiddos, and gobbling up some hand-decorated cookies. Snap a photo that mom will cherish all year long. FREE entry for moms and babes under two years.
TIPS: Ramseur, NC is a little over an hour from Fort Bragg/Fayetteville, so pack some sandwiches to avoid meltdowns. Turn those sweet Rugrats lose on the playground and gain a peaceful car-ride home, as they drift off to sleep. Mom included.
Website 506 Parks Crossrds Church Rd Ramseur, North Carolina 27316
(336) 824-5263