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Local Tastes Better: The Sweet Palette

Flavor comes from REAL ingredients. A lemon citrus punch in the body of a macaroon, honey-whipped cream cheese frosting, crunchy peanuts atop a carmel-y cupcake. Seek out these categories for more natural ingredients. I have high standards for sugar from years spent with a step-mom who was a professional cake baker, and a hustling a neighborhood business with my Easy-bake Oven. (Or so I thought at age six.)

The owner is an artist-type so don't be offended when she spends more time crafting treats than chatting you up. By my fifth or so visit, I stopped giving shade. Haha! Bonus: she shows great art in the attached gallery ALL by local artists. Events here are gorgeous!

Hours after giving birth to my son, I didn't want a coke or a steak, or even a milkshake. I wanted THESE cupcakes! My friend and amazing photog Jenny was kind enough to bring them for me to inhale, while she snapped away at my bundled baby boy. I felt like a queen. My memory is a little fuzzy about whether or not I offered my husband a bite...

Pinterest-dreams rarely come true. So save some emotional duress and impress your gal-pals, office buds, and loved ones, with a dozen of these cupcakes. Don't waste your time with the cake-pops. Simply put: it's not enough cake! My all-time FAVE would have to be the Lavender Honey Cupcake. Though the Hummingbird Cupcake is dangerously good too.

The Sweet Palette on Facebook Website 101 Person St Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301

(910) 489-7342

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